Client Management

Streamline client interactions by consolidating info, contacts, and notes. Access everything easily, offering undivided attention to every client.

Manage Client and Contact Information in One Place.

Safely store and quickly access all your client’s important information in one place. Add business and contact information, tasks, files, notes and time. Team members can easily see the status of a client, and their work.

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Make your Client Onboarding more Scalable.

Start every client relationship smoothly by standardizing your onboarding with task templates, enabling you to welcome more clients with personalized attention. Automate workflows through system integrations once a new proposal is accepted, streamlining the process for optimal efficiency.

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Keep Teams Aligned Through Collaborative Notes and Messages.

Keep all team members up-to-date through a comprehensive communication log. Maintain an accurate record of progress through the task activity log, notify teammates in their inbox, and add important client notes to their profile.

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Securely Store and Categorize All Client Documents.

Our document management system allows you to organize client documents into folders and store them within the client area. Documents can be easily added, viewed, edited, and deleted from anywhere. All team members have instant access to any document they need, regardless of location.

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Contact Management

Manage your contacts by linking them to clients, with the flexibility to add an alternate email for each client.


Add tags to tasks and categorize similar work for easy searching and planning.


Bookmark commonly filtered searches to quickly find what you need.

File Management

Upload client documents and save them all in one place for easy access.

Import Excel Files

Save time by importing client information directly from Excel files.

Client Notes

Keep team members informed of any client updates with client notes.

Task Management

Create tasks from the client profile and have them automatically assigned.


You can import client data through an Excel template as well as upload other client documents. You can also import client data from third-party software by setting up an integration through or Zapier.

All file formats can be uploaded. The maximum size is 25 MB per file.

Everything you need to manage your clients can be stored within the client management. As standard, you can add their company name, website, and address. The client description area allows you to freely store helpful information such as contacts, links, and a description of the business. 

Through the client management feature, you can also create and assign tasks, track billable hours, upload client files, and add notes.

The task activity feed keeps everyone up-to-date with work progress. As tasks are assigned to clients, you can track how much work you do for each client. Each team member assigned to the client or task can view the notes directly on the task and receive an automatic notification in their inbox.

Clients are the entities or businesses that you are providing services for, be it a business or an individual. For example, Blue Apple Consulting Corp, who you prepare monthly accounting for.

Contacts are all the people you interact with. They could be the owners, employees that work for the business, or even auditors.

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