Workflow Management

Automate and streamline workflows. Avoid missed deadlines by maintaining clear, transparent task visibility and accountability for your team.

Quickly Create and Manage Tasks with our User-Friendly Interface.

Simplify complex tasks with subtasks, assign multiple team members, and track progress with our intuitive user-interface. Our task overview board gives a birdseye view of all tasks, statuses, and due dates, making tracking workflow progress easy.

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Repeating Tasks are Scheduled on Autopilot.

Easily create new tasks and set them to repeat on your schedule. Our custom task scheduler keeps you in control and removes the stress of missing deadlines. Tasks can be set to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or on your custom schedule.

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Standardise Workflows with easy-to-create and quick to deploy Task Templates.

Standardize and simplify recurring work with task templates. Have custom templates ready for all your core jobs, and watch your efficiency go through the roof. Bulk deploy task templates to all or selected clients. Bookkeeping, payroll, and tax returns are just some of the templates you can use.

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Quickly Find and Navigate to the Work or Client you are Looking for.

Our search means no more time wasted looking for users, clients, or tasks. Everything can be easily located through the search bar from anywhere on the platform. Search results are categorized to help you find what you need instantly. Bookmark regular filtered searches to quickly find the items or views you are looking for.

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Task Management

Organize, prioritize, and track the progress of their daily tasks, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks and enhancing team productivity.

Multiple Task Assignees

Assign multiple team members to the same task and client to allow for seamless collaboration.

Start and Due Dates

Track progress and hit deadlines by setting custom start and due dates for projects.


Simplify complex workflows with subtasks. Assign users and accurately track their work.


Add tags to tasks and categorize similar work for easy searching and planning.

Bookmark Filtered Views

Bookmark commonly filtered searches to quickly find what you need.

Tracking Statuses

Create custom tracking statuses to manage workflow progress the way you want.

File Uploads

Upload client documents and save them all in one place for easy access.

Task Templates

Supercharge productivity by bulk deploying task templates to multiple clients at once.

Estimate Hours

Enter estimated hours to enable easier capacity planning for all team members.

Export to Excel

Filter custom datasets and easily export to an Excel file.


Collaborate with team members with comments. Provide feedback or ask questions.


Notify team members by @ mentioning them.


Tasks can be set to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, annually, or on your custom schedule.

Bulk Select and Update

Select multiple tasks and update due dates or delete them.


Repeating tasks are created once the current task is marked as complete.

Any task can be set to repeat. For example, tax returns, can be set up to repeat annually, payroll will be monthly or weekly, and reporting may be monthly or quarterly.

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